About Us

The High Performance Computing and Networking research group is actively pursuing research in computer architecture and communication networks, with a focus in the main computing and networking areas:

High Performance Computing Heterogeneous architectures, parallel algorithms, performance tuning, etc.
Computational Mathematics Numerical methods, computer simulation, etc.
High bandwidth networks
Traffic analysis and characterization
Optical networks: core and access networks
Network dimensioning
Management and monitorization of communication networks

Academic Staff

The main HPCN staff is composed by the following persons:

  • Luis de Pedro

    Luis de Pedro

  • Javier-Aracil

    Javier Aracil Rico

  • javier-ramos

    Javier Ramos de Santiago

  • joseluis-garciadorado

    José Luis García-Dorado

  • sergiolopezbuedo

    Sergio López Buedo

  • vanGonzalez

    Ivan Gonzalez

  • Francisco-Gomez

    Francisco Gómez

  • Jorge-E.-Lopez-de-Vergara

    Jorge E. López de Vergara

  • GustavvoSutter

    Gustavo Sutter


Here you can find information about the current projects in wich we are involved:

View all the projects

Assosiated Companies

We have the support of the following companies: